Thursday, June 22, 2017

Written and Reg@ by Steven V Schofer and Curt Phillips the
original authorships Steven Van Schofer and Antzee Dancee
who is also Steven Van Arroyo Copyright Claimant 1984  2017 onward-
Wash DC Library of Congress-20017

In extended performing arts credit in here at crossing a line-
whether the emphasis if nothing in life is compound to altercate
has differences of opinion andif I said any credit due to either the

supposed either authors or  performing artist and a devil-like

murderer who by stealing your i d wanting to do the same-
in Conneticut State in advise--d

To put in writing in these posted materials on this web page-
to extend any who share an --is --rape-kill--sodommize any who define

"extend performing arts credit" to either Yamaha International-
if better to side they did too by the way--in as I see know it too
if the killers  of you know the story  in pre planned the end of
if every living thing in Creation  a matter of lames as if a  everybody knows
golly or gee any who killed as many as I could never be put out of tennancy in
here I ams away- there watching waiting to do the same--never amaterial fact--

if you ended your own lifes just to see us dies inevitably

allyou know knew or share prosper could neither give back to the celestial amenities
alot more thysan a sense of loss -or bleek disadvantage will--if by behavior know you did to
bystander-bystanding in not thesame as credit the father in Satanic 3

luipherian like dark saucercrews, by needing to through they two cents in --and by
seeing a need to never stipulate performing arts ifnever anicething to they to extend to Yamaha
International; andChord Pulse---if by threating to kill us or me---in pre planned to end life

is mad  and by insinuating any who go about either wonderring as to why the
 Omnipotent and Steve brought  back and allowed the never a doubt  an obviouly

toomany at imes  an Gods victory  as I say I we did  only to stalk and

if i know  thescene  or whether  the police too  can still circumbvent currents and

tomakea long story short --I not allowed to give these abreak anymore--If any more emilsifying

the nebulas and want me us devilfood in fact---although Bob A and Rick A had been band people involved

Bob from inspirational smokey lief 197-3-04  get go-very much so too--and if never should
any who I--i  neither fact  or is in for it-whetheer I too gave and if never the
subject Bob  was said to be is picking and never grinning in grim reapers all the  ways  now theres Thayers to
og  wait---eeber when you enter a contract withy a devil--I say-

on Last Times Enough and performing arts and writers--credit is at the rate we stipulate-d see-

the lock and key got theirSoul Matrix Snatched and if theImageshared this information in any who by either

funny never by the way--the  differeance that of whatI believe upin   aking noticeand invoiceing
 with a fervor asmuch as I did--as oppose yoI know from or for whatever so did

oneffectivescizophrenia owes us millioinsif no such thingas Court ofLaws just scrambled and

If an either bed to bs this accounting has anither ideas-
and as anyone can all the while either flag a blog and isnt doing

and if  nuclearattackishust thereaon totakeout b---bytheway--

like not to mind that one--not a either nuke e sponge for you
your  sodomic  Sepituree either  gewing assaults or tr and if I so muchas se eanther
Strcluster either dine fir ir emulsiyinghighs  and I know warned you

Entity tiold yu desrted a flleing felon stancer--even Ponce lways fighting words to he--

-Although 6 or 9 bandlikejam sessionsany none year period hadRicvky A

theway tothey--

- exchange guitar riff strechies dmotrrit  reality of seed flowe an  in on this  like police captains in Williamsberg-sacademy- andaboutfrom Sandpointe--

  from thedead dead dead deaddead graven anddonefor--

ooking for areason the

accredations    pre planned the killing of every thing

 the culminate an
either perspective or an

could what in cewas called planet and so by understoofanother spaceshipss presence

 to continue to end every-iving thing in creation the door bring
cops to

 devil like Charlie  Luciferian  Creatures   killers  in topic of pre planned the end times---at I do so too talked

ballistic now as I seated the man you think is

lie--as it is doing
and Chord Oulse---orming arts cresit  music accompaniment and along with

its self contained arrays of auto corded and percussive organs-

and  any who either extend appreciative performing art

accreditation and harmonic -amateur-  the Yamaha Int in so

stipulated sharing any who stipulate--Chord  Pulse software

innovations  the same same, let no  expression either if

performance and if -harmonic  integration- Any

who usually by stated and deserved accreditation as well..thank

you they that as well sir..

So as we have this the songwriting team Steven the music end and
Curt the lyric end in most cases  guitar-music and vocals-lyric
with drummachine was the primary initial recorded basic enmode-

So with 123. go analogies a part music and lyric when in synch
and if you know this bio-combo- can feed off each others expectancy
of either ir or is nor an inner and over tone--s mutual perspective
high lighting giving creed to any whoby implying in an about way
music and word voiced melody-sare or if was can stipulate--lyric-
melodylines and music meloidy line-scan incorporate an comperable
and if mindful joint accreditation if any an rift should be given--
And so with his higher power Antzee Dancee who
by the way is God' and if it bothers you who cares?

you do-either Image or Ledgers incorrect--

in sure as what I see could never been told-any one
who so stipulate was be given authority over the said to be Image-
the either likely astory of I hear every one may have -or so it was shared
at a time en troubled and in is reckless abandon's the thought to be supervisors
kidded the cop to kill is not kid and cutdown if any an supposed sins so terrible-

in any ones wicked child either reminders or isexcuses to call police and by

either  writers credit to pull  sh on  ...and if by all is all and less than that

if applicable never should an suggested Image that can speak intercept and see an
District Attorney profession  in every syllable of either an esoteric opinions today-'
everyone's got their own revelations   imminent threat to everyliving thing that if ever lived  was being dundered  in never enough to describe--is an if anyway possible us
siffering age-s an idiosychronous geo-oribital

before or if ever again could bear witness for reasons  in anyones right .Steven Van Schofer

also known as dba Steven Van Arroyo who by saying registered copyright
song words and music in so saying lone and authorship copyright claimant
Steven Van Schofer who by sharing

isnt performing arts credit in music accompaniment and along with

its self contained arrays of auto corded and percussive organs-

and  any who either extend appreciative performing art

accreditation and harmonic -amateur-  the Yamaha Int in so

stipulated sharing any who stipulate--Chord  Pulse software

innovations  the same same, let no  expression either if

performance and if -harmonic  integration- Any

who usually by stated and deserved accreditation as well..thank

you they that as well sir..

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